22.–25. März 2023
Leibniz University Hannover
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone
2023 Meeting of the European Public Choice Society



Offen 15.12.2022
Geschlossen 06.03.2023

We are looking forward to welcoming you from 22 to 25 March 2023 at the 50th Annual Conference of the EPCS!

To register, please log in with your Indico login credentials that you created when submitting for the conference.

If you don't have an Indico account yet (you are registering without a paper or since a co-author submitted a joint paper), create an Indico account here: https://konferenz.uni-hannover.de/register/?next=%2Fevent%2F55%2Fregistrations%2F49%2F

As part of the registration, you will be requested to make the transfer for the participation fee. If you want to make the transfer from a non-SEPA-member area, we recommend using a low-cost transfer service like http://wise.com or similar plattforms.

Anmeldephase beendet
Die Anmeldephase ist bereits beendet.