28 August 2022 to 2 September 2022
Schloss Herrenhausen
Europe/Berlin timezone

Environmentally Stable Harmonic Modelocked All-Fibre Oscillator

30 Aug 2022, 18:35
Auditorium (Schloss Herrenhausen)


Schloss Herrenhausen

Herrenhäuser Str. 5, 30419 Hannover, Germany


Paul Repgen (Department of Physics, Bilkent University, Ankara)


We present an environmentally stable laser oscillator, mode-locked through nonlinear-polarisation evolution, that is entirely based on polarisation-maintaining fibres, except for the Yb-doped gain fibre. The laser is reliably operated at the fourth harmonic repetition rate, at 250 MHz, with output pulse energies of 1 nJ.

Primary authors

Mesut Laçin (Department of Physics, Bilkent University, Ankara) Paul Repgen (Department of Physics, Bilkent University, Ankara) F. Ömer Ilday

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