3.–6. Juli 2023
Europe/Amsterdam Zeitzone

Prethermalization in coupled one-dimensional gases

Nicht eingeplant
Poster Participants Talks Poster Session I


We consider the problem of the development of steady states in one-dimensional Bose gas tubes modelled by the integrable Lieb-Liniger model. The tubes are weakly coupled to one another through a density-density interaction, which weakly breaks the integrability of the system. We analyze this development through a Boltzmann collision integral approach. We argue that when the leading order of the collision integral, where single particle-hole excitations are created in individual gases, is dominant, the state of the gas evolves first to a non-thermal fixed point, i.e. a prethermalization plateau. This order is dominant when a pair of tubes are inequivalent with, say, different temperatures or different effective interaction parameters, γ. We characterize this non-thermal prethermalization plateau, constructing both the quasi-conserved charges that control the existence of this plateau as well as the associated generalized Gibbs ensemble.


Maciej ŁEBEK (Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw) Miłosz PANFIL (Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw) Robert KONIK (Brookhaven National Laboratory)


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