Geometry of Arrangements




Geometry Week (17.03.25--21.03.25):

II. Geometry of Arrangements

This is a mini-workshop on arrangements of hyperplanes organized by Michael Cuntz and Gavril Farkas.


Invited speakers

Gavril Farkas

Eva Feichtner

Lukas Kühne

Leonie Mühlherr

Piotr Pokora

Gerhard Röhrle

Xavier Roulleau

Raman Sanyal


Other events in the week:

I. Algebraic Geometry in Hannover

III. Aspects of Algebraic Geometry


  • Thursday, March 20
    • 9:00 AM
      Begrüßung / Coffee A410


    • 1
      Talk 1 B302


      Speaker: Eva Feichtner
    • 2
      Talk 2 B302


      Speaker: Gavril Farkas
    • 12:00 PM
    • 3
      Talk 3 B302


      Speaker: Lukas Kühne
    • 4
      Arrangements and Graph Theory B302


      Graphic hyperplane arrangements are an interesting example of arrangements, since they are the subarrangements of the well-studied braid arrangement and have a strong connection to graph theory. This makes it possible to use graph theoretical tools to study them and specifically their module of logarithmic derivations. This talk will highlight some of these tools in the hyperplane arrangement setting, showcase some (recent) results and suggest further research directions to explore.

      Speaker: Leonie Mühlherr
    • 3:30 PM
      Coffee A410


    • 5
      Poincare polynomials of plane curves with quasi-homogeneous singularities B302


      The main aim of my talk is to present the notion of Poincare polynomials of plane curves with quasi-homogeneous singularities. At the first step we show how to define such an object for conic-line arrangements with ordinary quasi-homogeneous singularities, and then we focus on arrangements of conics with some ADE singularities. Then I report on the addition technique that can be used to construct new examples of free plane curves.

      The talk is based on the recent preprints by the author.

      Speaker: Piotr Pokora
    • 6
      Talk 6 B302


      Speaker: Raman Sanyal
    • 7
      Talk 7 B302


      Speaker: Xavier Roulleau
    • 9:55 AM
      Coffee A410


    • 8
      Connected subgraph arrangements revisited B302


      Recently, Cuntz and Kühne introduced the class of a connected subgraph arrangements. This encompasses such classical families as the Shi arrangements in type A and the braid arrangements. Cuntz and Kühne were able to classify all free, supersolvable, factored and simplicial members among them. We revisit this class and investigate some additional properties. In particular, we study the question of asphericity within this class. This is a report on recent joint work with Giordani, Möller and Mücksch.

      Speaker: Gerhard Röhrle