7:30 PM
A novel control system architecture for quantum computing
Paweł Kulik
(Warsaw University of Technology, Creotech Instruments)
Mikołaj Sowiński
(Warsaw University of Technology)
Tomasz Przywózki
(Warsaw University of Technology)
Grzegorz Kasprowicz
(Warsaw University of Technology)
7:30 PM
Laser cooling and trapping of short-lived radium ions
Robert Kwapisz
(University of California Santa Barbara)
7:30 PM
Continuous lasing and atom number self-regulation of strongly coupled atoms in a high finesse cavity
Vera Schäfer
(Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics)
7:30 PM
QuMIC - Towards a cryogenic ion trap with integrated microwave generator
Sebastian Halama
(Leibniz Universität Hannover, Institut für Quantenoptik)
7:30 PM
4K Cryogenic platform for the characterisation and development of cryogenic trapped-ion quantum computing technologies
Pedro Taylor-Burdett
(University of Sussex)
7:30 PM
Observation of an interaction between two parallel ion chains in a surface-electrode trap towards nanofriction studies
Ryosuke Nishimoto
(Osaka University graduate school of engineering science)
7:30 PM
Single-Setting Quantum State Characterization
Martin Ringbauer
(Universität Innsbruck)
7:30 PM
A segmented-blade ion trap with biasing rods
Myunghun Kim
(Pohang University of Science and Technology)
7:30 PM
Towards quantum logic spectroscopy of heavy few-electron ions
Peter Micke
(Helmholtz Institute Jena & GSI Helmholtz Center for Heavy Ion Research)
7:30 PM
Digital simulation of a 1D spin chain in qudits
Claire Louise Edmunds
(Department of Experimental Physics/Universität Innsbruck)
7:30 PM
Investigating entanglement structure on a programmable trapped ion quantum simulator
Manoj Kumar Joshi
(Institute for quantum optics and quantum information, Innsbruck, Austria)
7:30 PM
Investigating interference with phononic bright and dark states
Harry Parke
(Stockholm University)
7:30 PM
Addressing individual ions with microwaves
Mario Gely
(University of Oxford)
7:30 PM
Cold highly charged ions in a Paul trap with superconducting magnetic shielding
Elwin Dijck
(Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics)
7:30 PM
Quantum frequency conversion of Ba-138 single photons for long-distance quantum networking
Michael Kwan
(University of Maryland, College Park)
7:30 PM
Status of the aluminium ion clock at PTB
Fabian Dawel
7:30 PM
Adiabatic Rapid Passage of Phonons in Trapped Ion Crystals
Maya Fabrikant
7:30 PM
Quantum Simulation of Oscillatory Unruh Effect with Superposed Trajectories
Xu Cheng
(University of Science and Technology of China)
Yiheng Lin
(University of Science and Technology of China)
7:30 PM
Experimental setup for trapped Rydberg ions in cryogenic environment
Natalia Kuk
(Stockholm University)
7:30 PM
A quantum perceptron gate and a classical Toffoli gate with microwave-driven trapped ions
Patrick Huber
(University of Siegen)
7:30 PM
Telecom-Wavelength Quantum Repeater Node Based on a Trapped-Ion Processor
ben lanyon
(University of Innsbruck)
7:30 PM
The stacked-ring ion guide and the MR-TOF MS developed for the NEXT experiment
Marko Brajković
(University of Groningen)
7:30 PM
A network of trapped-ion quantum computers
Gabriel Araneda
(University of Oxford)
7:30 PM
Towards implementing quantum logic spectroscopy for (anti-)proton g-factor measurements
Moritz von Boehn
(Leibniz Universität Hannover)
7:30 PM
Monolithic Miniature 3D Linear Trap for Cavity Integration
Soon Teh
7:30 PM
Unveiling the frontier of antiprotonic atom synthesis using trapped anions
Malgorzata Grosbart
7:30 PM
Mixed qubit types in registers of individually addressed trapped barium ions
Fabian Pokorny
(University of Oxford)
7:30 PM
Photon-mediated entanglement of co-trapped atomic barium ions
Jameson O'Reilly
(Duke University)
7:30 PM
Towards cavity quantum electrodynamics with Barium ions
Diptaranjan Das
Ezra Kassa
Hiroki Takahashi
7:30 PM
Laser cooling of molecular anions for sympathetic cooling of antiprotons
Fredrik Parnefjord Gustafsson
7:30 PM
Microwave-double dressed entangling gate with trapped 171Yb+ ions
Markus Nünnerich
(Universität Siegen)
Partick Barthel
(Universität Siegen)
7:30 PM
Differential polarizability measurements using a $^{171}\text{Yb}^+$-$^{88}\text{Sr}^+$ dual-species optical clock
Martin Steinel
(Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt)
7:30 PM
Toward precision spectroscopy of trapped chiral molecular ions for fundamental physics
Yuval Shagam
7:30 PM
Next-generation quantum computer system with long chains of trapped ions
Debopriyo Biswas
(Duke University)
7:30 PM
Ion matter-wave interferometry in a nearly circular potential for a gyroscope application
Ryoichi Saito
(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
7:30 PM
Progress towards Integration of a High Finesse Optical Cavity with an Individually-Addressed Trapped Ion Chain
Jonas Tost
(Duke University)
7:30 PM
Creation of entangled coherent states with the motional degrees of freedom of a trapped ion
Honggi Jeon
(Seoul National University)
7:30 PM
Orientational melting of a two-dimensional ensemble of charged particles
Carlo Sias
(European Laboratory for Nonlinear Spectroscopy (LENS) and INRIM)
7:30 PM
Towards a long-chain trapped ion quantum simulator with in-situ mid- circuit measurement
Nikhil Kotibhaskar
(University of Waterloo)
7:30 PM
Measurement of the Damping Resistance of Laser Cooled 9Be+ Ions using Image Current Detection
Markus Wiesinger
(Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik)
7:30 PM
Tensor-Network Assisted Quantum Algorithms for Quantum Simulations
Younes Javanmard
(Leibniz University Hannover)
7:30 PM
Design of Molecular Cluster Dynamics through Digital Quantum Simulation on a Trapped Ion Quantum Computer
Alaina Green
7:30 PM
Detection of micromotion using direct dc potential scan and Rabi oscillation
Daun Chung
(Seoul National University)
7:30 PM
Spin squeezing and entanglement generation in two-dimensional ion crystals with up to 105 ions
Matthias Bock
(Universität Innsbruck)
7:30 PM
2D ion trap architectures for enhanced qubit connectivity
Marco Valentini
(Institut für Experimentalphysik, University of Innsbruck)
7:30 PM
Fabrication of trapped ion microchips for microwave-based quantum computers
Martin Siegele-Brown
(University of Sussex and Universal Quantum)
7:30 PM
Isotope Shift Measurements of Ca+ in a Trapped Ion Quantum Computing Platform
Luca Immanuel Huber
(ETH Zurich)
7:30 PM
Modular variable laser cooling for efficient entropy extraction
Alexander Ferk
7:30 PM
Towards ultrafast spectroscopy with trapped molecular ions and photodissociation of CaOH+
Philipp Schindler
7:30 PM
Cryogenic trapped-ion system and quantum control of quantum harmonic oscillators
Yue Li
(University of Science and Technoology of China)
7:30 PM
Advances in state-preparation, cooling and state detection of N2+ molecular ions
Mikolaj Roguski
(University of Basel, Department of Chemistry)
7:30 PM
Feedback Cooling the Motion of a Trapped Ion
Hans Dang
(Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light)
7:30 PM
Ion-cavity node engineering for scalable networked quantum computing
Lorenzo Versini
(University of Oxford)
9:10 PM
Integrated ion traps for quantum metrology and information
Elena Jordan
9:10 PM
Studies of Highly Charged Ion Ensembles in the ARTEMIS trap and Direct Mass Measurements of Radio-nuclides at SHIPTRAP at GSI, Germany
Kanika Kanika
(Imperial college London)
9:10 PM
Towards large scale quantum computing – a many qubit ion trap at room temperature
Edgar Brucke
(ETH Zurich)
9:10 PM
A Cryogenic System for Rapid Ion Trap Characterization
Merrell Brzeczek
(UC Santa Barbara)
9:10 PM
Electronic control of trapped ion qubits
Chris Ballance
(Oxford Ionics, University of Oxford)
Tom Harty
(Oxford Ionics Limited)