25.–29. Sept. 2023
Schloss Bückeburg
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

Quantum Logic Control of a Single Molecular Ion

29.09.2023, 09:00
Schloss Bückeburg

Schloss Bückeburg

Schlossplatz 1 31675 Bückeburg
Invited Speaker Friday


Dietrich Leibfried (NIST Boulder, CO, USA)


An amazing level of quantum control is routinely reached in modern experiments with atoms, but similar control over molecules has been an elusive goal. A method based on quantum logic spectroscopy [1] can address this challenge for a wide class of molecular ions [2,3]. We have now realized many basic aspects of this proposal.

In our demonstrations, we trap a calcium ion together with a calcium hydride ion (CaH+) that is a convenient stand-in for more general molecular ions. We laser-cool the two-ion crystal to its motional ground state and then drive Raman, mm-wave or vibrational overtone transitions in the molecular ion. Laser-based transitions in the molecule can deposit a single quantum of excitation
in the motion of the ion pair when a motional "sideband" is driven. We can efficiently detect this single quantum of excitation with the calcium ion, which projects the molecule into the final state of the sideband transition, a known, pure quantum state.

The molecule can be coherently manipulated after preparation by a first projection, and after attempting a transition, the resulting molecular state can be read out by another quantum logic state detection. We demonstrate this by driving Rabi oscillations between different rotational states [4, 5, 6] and by entangling the molecular ion with the logic ion [7]. Transitions in the
molecule are either driven by a single, far off-resonant continuous-wave laser, by a far-off resonant frequency comb or a frequency comb resonant with a certain vibrational overtone transition. This makes the approach suitable for quantum control and precision measurement of a large class of molecular ions. Controlled transitions to excited vibrational levels open avenues to precise characterization of the electronic ground state potential surface and to coherent dissociation along a specific bond.

[1] P.O. Schmidt, et al. Science 309, 749 (2005).
[2] S. Ding, and D. N. Matsukevich, New J. Phys. 14, 023028 (2012).
[3] D. Leibfried, New J. Phys. 14, 023029 (2012).
[4] C.-W. Chou et al., Nature 545, 203 (2017).
[5] C.-W. Chou et al., Science 367, 1458 (2020).
[6] A. L. Collopy et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 223201 (2023).
[7] Y. Lin et al., Nature 581, 273 (2020).


Dietrich Leibfried (NIST Boulder, CO, USA)


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