25-29 September 2023
Schloss Bückeburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

Digital-analog simulation of quantum field theories with trapped ions

25 Sep 2023, 19:30
Schloss Bückeburg

Schloss Bückeburg

Schlossplatz 1 31675 Bückeburg
Poster Monday Poster


Ms Hong Nhung Nguyen (University of Maryland, College Park)


Quantum simulation area promising approach for understanding the dynamics governed by quantum field theories in the strong coupling regime. However, a lot of qubits and gates are required due to the presence of bosons in these models. Taking advantage of the available bosonic degrees of freedom in the quantum system can potentially help with this problem. In this talk, we propose a scheme to perform quantum simulation of field theories where the fermions are mapped to qubits and the bosons are mapped to the vibrational modes of the ion chain. We apply this hybrid method to the Yukawa model and the Schwinger model and numerically compare the qubit counts and gate counts with the digital method. We also show preliminary data for the Yukawa model with two staggered sites performed on a trapped ion quantum simulator.

Primary author

Ms Hong Nhung Nguyen (University of Maryland, College Park)


Dr Saurabh Kadam (University of Maryland, College Park) Dr Alaina Green (University of Maryland College Park) Ms Yingyue Zhu (University of Maryland College Park) Mr Liam Jeanette (University of Maryland College Park) Prof. Zohreh Davoudi (Maryland Center for Fundamental Physics and Department of Physics, University of Maryland) Prof. Norbert Linke (Duke University and University of Maryland)

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