25-29 September 2023
Schloss Bückeburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

Quantum Networking with a Metastable Sr+ Qubit

25 Sep 2023, 19:30
Schloss Bückeburg

Schloss Bückeburg

Schlossplatz 1 31675 Bückeburg
Poster Monday Poster


Mika Chmielewski (Duke University)


The Strontium ion is an ideal candidate for medium-distance quantum networking due to an atomic transition at 1.1 $\mu$m, a wavelength compatible with existing fiber optic infrastructure. This transition eliminates the need for lossy photon conversion processes, allowing for direct remote entanglement on the kilometer scale. We report on current progress towards ion-photon entanglement in a Strontium ion trap system, including design and construction of the high numerical aperture imaging system for photon collection. The final qubit states in our photon-generation scheme lie in the $D_{3/2}$ level and differ by $\Delta m_j=2$. We show results from readout of the metastable state with an extended probabilistic detection method without shelving. Additionally, we discuss work towards building a microwave vortex antenna for directly driving this dipole-forbidden transition.

Primary authors

Mika Chmielewski (Duke University) Mr Denton Wu (Duke University) Dr Yuanheng Xie (Duke University) Ms Ana Ferrari (Duke University) Mr Raphael Metz (University of Maryland, College Park) Mr Minseo Kim (Duke University) Dr Norbert Linke (Duke University and University of Maryland)

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