25-29 September 2023
Schloss Bückeburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

Towards a long-chain trapped ion quantum simulator with in-situ mid- circuit measurement

26 Sep 2023, 19:30
Schloss Bückeburg

Schloss Bückeburg

Schlossplatz 1 31675 Bückeburg


Nikhil Kotibhaskar (University of Waterloo)


Here, we report on the development of a large-scale quantum simulator with programmable individual control of more than 50 $^{171}\rm{Yb}^+\;$ ions in a segmented `blade trap’ system. The trap allows high NA optical access from four directions and will include high fidelity and low crosstalk in-situ state measurement and reset of individual ions [1]. Our custom monolithic optical breadboards are engineered to provide long-term stability. Through optimized vacuum engineering and extensive outgassing tests, the vacuum system is optimized for long ion storage times. Preliminary tests show a measured pressure of <8E-13 mbar, lower than most existing room temperature ion traps. This system will allow us to perform a wide range of quantum information processing experiments, like exploring measurement-based quantum phases of spin Hamiltonians to hybrid digital-analog quantum algorithms.

[1] S. Motlakunta, N. Kotibhaskar, C.-Y. Shih, A. Vogliano, D. Mclaren, L. Hahn, J. Zhu, R. Habl ̈utzel , and R. Islam, Preserving a qubit during adjacent measurements at a few micrometers distance (2023), arXiv:2306.03075

We acknowledge financial support from UWaterloo, CFREF, NSERC Discovery grant, NFRF and the Ontario Govt

Primary authors

Nikhil Kotibhaskar (University of Waterloo) Mr Sainath Motlakunta (University of Waterloo) Mr Chung-You Shih (University of Waterloo) Mr Lewis Hahn (University of Waterloo) Mr Anthony Vogliano (University of Waterloo) Ms Jingwen Zhu (University of Waterloo) Dr Yu-Ting Chen (University of Waterloo) Prof. Rajibul Islam (University of Waterloo)

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