As the simplest molecules, molecular hydrogen ions (MHIs) are calculable, with ab initio theory reaching uncertainties for the prediction of transition frequencies only a factor of 10 larger than those achieved for the hydrogen atom [1]. They thus offer great potential for the extraction of fundamental constants as well as for tests of QED and search for BSM physics.
We present an overview of recent our experiments on
Similar to previous measurements on MHIs [7-9], a test of physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics is undertaken by probing for a hypothetical fifth force between the two nuclei. No evidence is found.
We also present ongoing work: high-accuracy spectroscopy of electric-quadrupole transitions in MHIs [10] as well as the current status of a single-ion trap apparatus [11]. These developments pave the way towards higher accuracy and less-studied MHI species.
This work has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 786306, “PREMOL”).
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