25.–29. Sept. 2023
Schloss Bückeburg
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

Advanced technologies for ion trap systems

25.09.2023, 19:30
Schloss Bückeburg

Schloss Bückeburg

Schlossplatz 1 31675 Bückeburg
Poster Monday Poster


Jonathan Sterk


Trapped ion systems will require large complex ion trap geometries with fast shuttling between zones and integrated photonics to address the large number of ions in the system. Here, we highlight our recent efforts on all three fronts. We discuss our optimization efforts to shuttle ions at high speeds with low excitation in our recently fabricated multi-junction ion trap. Furthermore, we detail recent results utilizing photonic optical modulators to manipulate the quantum state of an ion.

SNL is managed and operated by NTESS under DOE NNSA contract DE-NA0003525


Jonathan Sterk Dr. Craig Hogle (Sandia National Laboratories) Dr. Brian McFarland (Sandia National Laboratories) Dr. Hayden McGuinness (Sandia National Laboratories) Herr Jeffrey Hunker (Sandia National Laboratories) Dr. Daniel Stick (Sandia National Laboratories) Dr. William Setzer (Sandia National Laboratories)


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