25.–29. Sept. 2023
Schloss Bückeburg
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

Laser cooling and trapping of short-lived radium ions

26.09.2023, 19:30
Schloss Bückeburg

Schloss Bückeburg

Schlossplatz 1 31675 Bückeburg


Robert Kwapisz (University of California Santa Barbara)


Radium-225 (nuclear spin 1/2) is a particularly appealing candidate for optical clocks and testing fundamental symmetries due to its accessible electronic structure and heavy, octupole deformed nucleus. We demonstrated the first laser cooling of short-lived 224Ra+ (3.6 day half-life) and 225Ra+ (15 day half-life) ions which are loaded into linear Paul traps by a two-step photoionization process. We observed the 7s 2S1/27d 2D5/2 clock transition in 224Ra+ and 225Ra+. This work was done with an effusive oven source based on the decay of longer-lived thorium atoms, which is expected to provide a useful supply of radium atoms over several thorium half-lives. We will measure the absolute transition frequencies of the electronic transitions needed for laser cooling and operating an optical clock with both short-lived isotopes. In parallel efforts, we are measuring the hyperfine structure of 225Ra+ and developing an orthotropic oven to produce a more efficient radium source. In following work we will produce and trap radium molecules which have enhanced sensitivity to tests of fundamental symmetries.


Robert Kwapisz (University of California Santa Barbara)


Huaxu Dan (University of California Santa Barbara) Dr. Mingyu Fan (University of California Santa Barbara) Spencer Kofford (University of California Santa Barbara) Haoran Li (University of California Santa Barbara) Dr. Roy Ready (University of California Santa Barbara) Akshay Sawhney (University of California Santa Barbara) Luka Sever-Walter (University of California Santa Barbara) Dr. Andrew Jayich (University of California Santa Barbara)


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