Long chains of trapped ions are a leading platform for quantum information processing, but their control suffers from spectral crowding and excess motional heating when chains grow too long. One proposal to access larger Hilbert spaces and thus more computational power is to entangle ions in separate traps via photonic interconnects. Previous demonstrations have used 0.6 NA objectives to entangle ytterbium [1] and strontium [2] ions or optical cavities to entangle calcium ions [3]. Here, we make use of an RF Paul trap surrounded by two in-vacuo 0.8 NA aspheric lenses to entangle co-trapped barium ions. The higher NA increases the efficiency of our photonic interconnects and the presence of two high-NA imaging systems in a single vacuum chamber will allow this system to be integrated as the middle node in a three-node quantum network.
*This work is supported by the ARO with funding from the IARPA LogiQ program, the NSF STAQ Program, the DOE Quantum Systems Accelerator, the ARO MURI on Modular Quantum Circuits, the AFOSR MURI on Quantum Transduction, the AFOSR MURI on Interactive Quantum Computation and Communication Protocols, and the ARL Center for Distributed Quantum Information. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship under Grant No. DGE 2139754.
[1] D. Hucul, et al., N. Phys. 11 (2015)
[2] L. J. Stephenson, et al., PRL 124 110501 (2020)
[3] V. Krutyanisky, et al., arXiv:2208.14907 (2022)