25-29 September 2023
Schloss Bückeburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

Electronic control of trapped ion qubits

26 Sep 2023, 19:30
Schloss Bückeburg

Schloss Bückeburg

Schlossplatz 1 31675 Bückeburg


Chris Ballance (Oxford Ionics, University of Oxford) Tom Harty (Oxford Ionics Limited)


Electronic control methods, where quantum gates are implemented without lasers, hold great potential for trapped-ion quantum computing due to their low fundamental errors and the ease of scalability. In this work, we demonstrate a new electronic control method, where addressed single-qubit rotations are implemented by localized AC electric fields, generated by trap electrodes. We demonstrate theoretically and experimentally how this tool enables local single-qubit control in a multizone trap, using only small voltages and existing trap structures. Finally, we discuss how electronic control techniques enable large-scale integration of trapped-ion quantum computers with scalable fabrication processes.

Primary authors

Chris Ballance (Oxford Ionics, University of Oxford) Tom Harty (Oxford Ionics Limited)


David Allcock (Oxford Ionics, Univeristy of Oregon) Dr Amy Hughes (Oxford Ionics) Dr Steven King (Oxford Ionics) Dr Clemens Loschnauer (Oxford Ionics) Maciej Malinowski (Oxford Ionics) Clemens Matthiesen (Oxford Ionics) Dr Vlad Negnevitsky (Oxford Ionics) Dr Rustin Nourshargh (Oxford Ionics) Dr Raghavendra Srinivas (Oxford Ionics)

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