25.–29. Sept. 2023
Schloss Bückeburg
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

Towards Entanglement-Enhanced Metrology with Trapped Ions

25.09.2023, 19:30
Schloss Bückeburg

Schloss Bückeburg

Schlossplatz 1 31675 Bückeburg
Poster Monday Poster


Simon Webster (National Physical Laboratory)


Single-ion optical atomic clocks have reached fractional uncertainties of 1 part in 1018 [1], but reaching this level of uncertainty requires long averaging times. Using n uncorrelated ions, the same uncertainty could be obtained n times quicker. If these n ions could be placed in an entangled state however, speed-ups beyond this standard quantum limit are in principle possible with the potential to produce results up to n2 times faster [2].

We trap strings of 88Sr+ ions in a microfabricated monolithic linear rf trap with a three-dimensional electrode geometry [3]. This design provides 7 operation zones, plus a separate loading zone, each of which can hold ions in a deep potential well with low heating rates. The trap design and vacuum package provide a high degree of optical access available on both sides of the chip wafer.

To perform entanglement-enhanced metrology the ionic clock/qubit transition is driven by a laser that possesses two important properties: an extremely narrow linewidth around a stable optical carrier, and a low level of noise power at frequencies a motional trap frequency detuned from the optical carrier. We have realised a high power ultrastable 674 nm laser for the optical qubit in 88Sr+ based on a commercial Titanium-Sapphire laser system. We have measured Allan deviation at the 1 Hz level out to beyond 100 s averaging time and frequency noise below a white noise level of a few Hz/Hz out to 10 MHz from the carrier.

We have recently performed our first entangling operations on pairs of trapped ions, using a Molmer-Sorensen interaction on the optical transition to generate a maximally entangled state with initial fidelities of 96%. The steps required to produce larger entangled states and use them for entanglement-enhanced metrology will also be covered.

[1] S. Brewer et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 033201 (2019)
[2] V. Giovannetti et al., Science 306, 1330 (2004)
[3] G. Wilpers et al., Nature Nanotech 7, 572 (2012)


Simon Webster (National Physical Laboratory)


Guido Wilpers (National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, UK) Jessica Maclean (National Physical Laboratory) Alastair Sinclair (National Physical Laboratory)


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