30.–31. Aug. 2022
Leibniz Universität Hannover
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone
The Open Science Festival is a joint event of Leibniz University Hannover (LUH) and Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology (TIB)

Reproducible Data Analysis with Python and Jupyter Notebooks for Novices (Carpentry Style) (en)

30.08.2022, 14:30
TIB Standort TechNat Vortragsraum

TIB Standort TechNat Vortragsraum

Welfengarten 1B
Workshop Day 1 Workshops


Prof. Konrad Förstner (ZB MED - Information Centre for Life Sciences) Rabea Müller (ZB MED – Information Centre for Life Sciences)


Python is a widely used programming language with a wide range of applications - from simple data analysis and visualization to complex machine learning or web services. In this hands-on workshop Python Basic Knowledge is taught and applied in practical examples to set up a reproducible analyses. As working environment Jupyter Notebook will be used. This workshop is aimed at novices, i.e. all those who would like to learn how to program with Python and have no previous knowledge.

The workshop will include live coding where the workshop hosts will generate content and participants will type along and build code together during the session. To get the most out of the workshop, participants should bring a laptop or tablet.

Rabea Müller works as a Data Librarian in the Unit “Data Science and Services” at ZB MED – Information Centre for Life Sciences. She tweets as @MueRabea

Konrad Förstner is head of the unit “Data Science and Services” at ZB MED – Information Centre for Life Sciences and holds a professorship for Information Literacy at the Faculty of Information and Communication Sciences at the TH Köln. He tweets as @konradfoerstner


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