Opening words to the first German Open Science Festival by Prof. Blume & Prof. Sören Auer
The keynote will be held by Sarah de Rijcke, who is a Professor in Science, Technology, and Innovation Studies and Scientific Director at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) in Leiden, the Netherlands. She is head of the working group Science and Evaluation Studies (SES) and also Co-chair of the Research on Research Institute (RoRI). Sarah specialises in social studies of...
Wie kann durch Open Science Praktiken wissenschaftliche Integrität befördert werden, wie stehen die Anerkennungssysteme in der Wissenschaft im Widerspruch zur Umsetzung von Open Science Praktiken?
How can Open Science support scientific integrity? How does the present system of research evaluation slow down the implementation of open science practices?
Die Klimakrise steht vor der Tür und die Energiewende kommt nicht so schnell voran wie notwendig. Aktuelle Wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zeigen eine eklatante Lücke zwischen der notwendigen Dekarbonisierung insbesondere im Energiebereich (Strom, Gas, Wärme, Mobilität) und den tatsächlichen Veränderungen. Herkömmliche wissenschaftliche Arbeitsweisen von der Projektskizze über den...
With a ReproHack reproducibility hackathon - we aim to reproduce published scientific results. During the workshop, you will choose a publication (browse ReproHack papers here: and run the code from published data. The aim is to re-generate figures and statistical results of the publication. Maybe or maybe not you recognise insufficient information. A ReproHack gives you the...
Python is a widely used programming language with a wide range of applications - from simple data analysis and visualization to complex machine learning or web services. In this hands-on workshop Python Basic Knowledge is taught and applied in practical examples to set up a reproducible analyses. As working environment Jupyter Notebook will be used. This workshop is aimed at novices, i.e. all...
In recent years there has been an impressive growth in preprinting and in transparent and open forms of peer review. These developments offer a unique opportunity for a transition toward a new publication and evaluation culture. In this workshop we discuss how these developments enable new ways of giving and receiving feedback on scientific work, how authors and readers can benefit from this,...
In this playful workshop, you will team up with other participants to solve various puzzles around the topic of open access.
The workshop is based on materials from Katrine Sundsbø, the Scholarly Communications and Research Support Manager at the University of Essex. (
No prior knowledge or equipment is required. The materials...
In this playful workshop, you will team up with other participants to solve various puzzles around the topic of open access.
The workshop is based on materials from Katrine Sundsbø, the Scholarly Communications and Research Support Manager at the University of Essex. (
No prior knowledge or equipment is required. The materials...
Die Wissenschaft steht vor einer Herausforderung: Jedes Jahr erscheinen so viele neue wissenschaftliche Artikel, dass es Forschenden selbst in kleinen Disziplinen schwerfällt, den Überblick zu behalten. Um sicher durch diese Publikationsflut zu navigieren, müssen wir wissenschaftliche Kommunikation von Grund auf neu denken. Wie wollen wir in Zukunft Wissen organisieren? Wie können wir...
This Library Carpentry lesson introduces people working in library- and information-related roles to working with data in OpenRefine. At the conclusion of the lesson you will understand what the OpenRefine software does and how to use the OpenRefine software to work with data files.
To get the most out of the workshop, participants should bring a laptop with the setup instructions already...
Open Educational Resources (OER) sind frei zugängliche Bildungsmaterialien, die eine Anpassung an spezifische Lehr-/Lernkontexte ermöglichen und die Gestaltung von Bildungsangeboten vereinfachen. Die Erstellung und das Teilen von OER bietet die Möglichkeit, die eigene Lehre in der wissenschaftlichen Community sichtbar zu machen. Darüber hinaus tragen OER zu einem offenen Zugang zu Bildung bei...
With a ReproHack reproducibility hackathon - we aim to reproduce published scientific results. During the workshop, you will choose a publication (browse ReproHack papers here: and run the code from published data. The aim is to re-generate figures and statistical results of the publication. Maybe or maybe not you recognise insufficient information. A ReproHack gives you the...
The Wikipedia is one of the most popular sources of trustworthy information online. It is also a widely neglected domain for science communication. The great but underappreciated advantage of Wikipedia is that it allows researchers to communicate research results and scientific expertise in exactly the place where people look for it: in topical Wikipedia articles. In this way, Wikipedia...
Mit internationalen Expert*innen wollen wir diskutieren, inwieweit Datenströme in der Wissenschaft kommerzialisiert sind und wie das auch Open Science betrifft.
With international experts we want to discuss the comercialization of research (publication) infrastructure and how this affects open science.
In this playful workshop, you will team up with other participants to solve various puzzles around the topic of open access.
The workshop is based on materials from Katrine Sundsbø, the Scholarly Communications and Research Support Manager at the University of Essex. (
No prior knowledge or equipment is required. The materials...